Multiplayer Tournament (MPT)
MPT was once the most popular mode in the Civ3 League back in the old ladder days and has recently exploded in popularity. It is a tiny map usually played pretty much exclusively as 4v4 (otherwise the map template is too big) and with only ancient Unique Unit (UU) civs. There are some small tweaks to civ balance, and map/contact trading is available at map making. But aside from that, this is Civ 3 at its purest. The mode heavily emphasizes early rushes with UUs and limited teching to just a few techs in the ancient era. There is 1 city elimination, so you have to be very careful how you expand and who you kill. MPT is the fastest mod, requiring a time commitment of just over 2 hours.
A future era mode, also played with teams. This mode has the same growth and production mechanics as vanilla civ, but many small changes. There is almost zero tech research needed to be done, so players can set their science slider at 0%. Gold can be used on the happiness slider, allowing people to draft big armies, or on rushing key units and buildings. Players can choose between building a big sprawling nation, or focusing on just a few megacities with a ton of buildings and tile improvements. Future has a complex and varied combat system, including large-scale land, air, and naval battles. Many weak units from the base game, such as paratroopers and cruise missiles, are a strong part of the metagame. The mod is played with regicide: lose your king, and you die.
Modern is a new mod created in 2020. Modern has probably the most changes from vanilla civ 3, but is relatively easy to learn and get good at. In modern, you unlock industrial and modern era units as you progress through the tech tree. Starts are accelerated; players spawn with 2 settlers, 2 workers, an explorer, and a granary/aqueduct built into their palace. Modern is designed so that there's less RNG (all civs have the same traits, for example), and more emphasis on map control and hooking resources. Modern features 4 playable governments, and each government has a unique playstyle and special buildings/wonders. Modern is also one of the faster mods, requiring a time commitment of 2.5 hours.
Unlike other mods, modern has a custom scenario file. This contains a civilopedia (explaining what all the units and buildings do), and custom animations. Modern is totally playable without these custom files! However, some things might not look as nice or clear. For example, the flamethrower unit will appear as a longbow if you don't install the scenario folder. The biq and scenario folder can be found in the google drive: here
Quick Civ (QC)
Usually played in teams of 3v3 or 4v4, and has a time limit of 74 turns. This is the most complete civ experience possible in multiplayer currently. Everything you have to do in singleplayer has to be done here: science, expansion, economy, and warfare. Growth speeds are doubled, production costs halved, 2 city elimination, and a whole host of other changes to speed up the game. You cannot win without teching to the 2nd era, stockpiling gold for your team, producing stacks and replenishing stacks, and killing your enemies. All this requires expansion and development of cities in order to tech fast and to build the units you need. Every player plays a role in order for the team to obtain victory.
Google Drive for the mods and map grid is located here.
UU Madness
Sometimes played with teams or as a cton (free for all with no communication). All UUs in the game are build-able if you have the right luxury or bonus resource. 1 city elimination. This can be scored on the ancient (MPT) ladder.
Just play a regular game of accelerated production civ 3 on a normal size map like an absolute madman. These games may last up to 6+ hours. Usually non-ladder, but can be scored as an MPT if agreed upon before hand.