About CivPlayers Civ3 League
After 6 years of being out of service, we are proud to announce the return of the Civ 3 ladder! Despite some bumps along the road, the Civ 3 community has remained passionate and tightly knit, and there has been a recent wave of new players picking the game up on steam and learning to play multiplayer. With this influx of newer players, we’ve been able to have multiple games running and more consistent activity every day. We hope to continue to expand and keep this amazing game alive.
The community has a rich history of tactics, stories, and creative mods. Vanilla Civ 3 doesn’t make for a great multiplayer experience, due to game length, imbalances, and inconclusive endings. As a result, league games are played with mods that make for a fair, conclusive match, that can be finished in under 3 hours. You can read more about the mods we play here.